Blog #I.T.

An AZERTY keyboard configuration “South West Europe”


You can download my Windows keyboard configuration here..

User Guide

An AZERTY keyboard configuration allowing to manage spanish and portugese special accents on a french keyboard.

  • All accents can be done natively by pressing AltGr+2 (~), AltGr+7 (`), ^, Shift+^ (¨), then releasing and pushing another alphabet key

  • Some french accents have a dedicated key (natively implemented) : àéèùç (but no uppercases)

  • Not natively implemented french accents/special characters : ââæêëîïôœùûÿ and eventually ÀÂÆÇÉÈÊËÎÏÔŒÙÛÜŸ (but strict french grammar forbid uppercases letters with accent)
  • Spanish additional accents : áéíóúüñ and ÁÉÍÓÚÜÑ – additional special ponctuation : ¿¡
  • Portugese additional accents : áàãéêíóõúç and ÁÀÃÉÊÍÓÕÚÇ

You have see that keys with pictures in \preview\ folder :
áíóúýñ : AltGr + the alphabet key [ES, PT]
ÁÍÓÚÝÑ : Shift + AltGr + the alphabet key [ES, PT]
ç : ç or AltGr + c [FR, PT]
Ç : Shift + AltGr + c [fr, PT]
õ : AltGr + ² [PT]
Õ : Shift + AltGr + ² [PT]
ã : AltGr + 1 [PT]
à : Shift + AltGr + 1|& [PT]
À : Shift + AltGr + 0|à [PT]
ê : AltGr + 9 (replace ^) [FR, PT]
Ê : Shift + AltGr + 9|ç [fr, PT]
É : Shift + AltGr + 2|é or Shift + AltGr + e [fr, ES, PT]
È : Shift + AltGr + 7|è [fr]
ü : AltGr + ù [ES]
Ü : Shift + AltGr + ù [ES]
¿ : AltGr + ? or Shift + AltGr + ? [ES]
¡ : AltGr + ! or Shift + AltGr + ! [ES]

Added also some special characters on empty key :

« : AltGr + <
» : Shift + AltGr + <
… : (Shift +) AltGr + .
\ : (Shift +) Shift + AltGr + /
“ : Shift + AltGr + 3|”
’ : Shift + AltGr + 4|’
” : Shift + AltGr + 5|(
– : Shift + AltGr + 6|-
— : Shift + AltGr + 8|_
© : Shift + AltGr + )
® : Shift + AltGr + R
™ : Shift + AltGr + T
℗ : Shift + AltGr + P
¥ : Shift + AltGr + $
· : AltGr + *
• : Shift + AltGr + *
How to install :
1) Unzip this file in a temp folder
2) Run setup.exe (installation take 1-2 seconds !),
3) then click on language icon on your systray and select keyboard ‘AZERTY with Spanish and Portugese accents (AltGr)’

You can change that config by opening the klc file in \src\ with Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.4 –